Joint Replacement Surgery in kolkata
If you try to find a best joint replacement surgeon in Kolkata then visit AMRI Mukundapur Hospital and you will get Dr. Bishsal Bhagat above 20 years of experienced more than 1000+ surgery made by him succecfully.
Joint Replacement Surgery Cost in Kolkata
Many prospective patients for surgery are want to know about surgery cost . It maybe above lakh as per condition and may be come under mediclaim at our hospitals. But remember you should operate your surgery by best joint replacement surgeon in Kolkata get a perfect result.
What is joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is a very common surgery in Kolkata city which is done by orthopedics surgeon regularly in various hospitals. Joint replacement surgery removes & repairs damaged parts of the bone joint. It replaced them with new artificial parts.
This surgery can reduce pain and improve that ability of movement. Knee, Hips, and shoulder are common replacements that can be done in other parts of the body like fingers, ankles, and elbows.
Why may joint replacement surgery be needed?
Joints may need to be replaced when they are damaged from : Joint replacement surgery is required for patients with severe arthritis, joint-related disease, and elderly people.
What can I expect after joint replacement surgery?
After joint replacement surgery, you have to spend a few days in hospitals. Elderly people may have to spend weeks in hospitals for recovery. Your doctor and his team will decide how long to stay in the hospitals for intermediate care before going home.
After hip or knee replacement you may stand begging slow walking from some days of surgery, maybe you need a walker and crutches support. You may experience some temporary pain which can be reduced with medicine. Physical therapy can begin within a few days to help in faster recovery before you leave hospitals. Your therapist will show you some exercise follow.