Osteoarthritis Treatment & Surgery in Kolkata
If you want to find Best Osteoarthritis Doctor in Kolkata then Dr. Bishal Bhagat is the the right choise for your treatment. Here you will find all details of this disease and treatments.
What is Osteoarthritis (Common type of Arthritis)?

Osteoarthritis is known as a degenerative joint disease (DJD). It is the most common and familiar type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis develops in old age people. The changes usually occur over many years, though there are exceptions.
Injury and Inflammation of joints cause deterioration of tendon, ligaments, and a breakdown of cartilage, resulting in severe pain, swelling, and deformity of the joint.About 85% of elder adults have evidence of osteoarthritis. 50% patient experience symptoms. It is estimated 250 million people worldwide have symptomatic osteoarthritis.Osteoarthritis is very common in Women compared to men.
There are two main types of osteoarthritis:
Primary: Most generalized and common, affects the hips, knees, fingers, thumbs, spine,
and the big toes.
Secondary: Problem appears with a pre-existing joint abnormality due to repetitive injury or trauma or sports-related, inflammatory arthritis, such as rheumatoid, psoriatic, or gout, infectious arthritis, genetic bone joint disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos (known as hypermobility) or “double-jointed; congenital joint disorders or metabolic joint disorders.

Do I Need Surgery for Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the bone joints. It can be painful at joint area fingers, knees, hips, and others and may cause your joints to become inflamed or swollen. OA happens when rubbery soft articular cartilage that covers your bones wears away. That causes them to rub and friction against each other when the joint is moved.
The condition occurs in aged people because it develops with tears and wears over many years. You may have OA if you are obese, have relatives who have it, or have had a past joint injury.
Once you’re diagnosed with OA, your doctor may tell you to try lifestyle changes like exercise, weight loss, physical therapy, medicine, or natural remedies. But, if these don’t work, orthopedic surgeons may suggest surgery.
Types of Surgery
There are various types of surgeries you could have depending on where your injury is and how much the disease progresses. Here are some of the procedures with the pros and cons of each:
Arthroscopy: The surgeon inserts a pen-sized arthroscope flexible tube inside your joint. The arthroscope consists of a fiber-optic video camera attached as they can see inside the joint. By making a few small incisions, the surgeon can smooth rough spots. They may also remove damaged cartilage, cysts, or bone fragments from the affected area. This is a quick surgery and less recovery time. But, studies show that arthroscopic knee surgery has limitations. The procedure seems to be effective for a few specific injuries —it is useful if you have a knee that locks up when you try to play a sport, but is less successful for the treatment of others OA.
Total joint replacement (arthroplasty): The orthopedic surgeon takes out the diseased parts of your bones and replaces them with an artificial joint made with metal or plastic fiber. Total joint replacement reduces your pain and improves the quality of daily life. But, artificial joints will wear out over time and you might have to have another surgery in about 20 years.
Osteotomy: The surgeon has to cut the bone of the damaged joint or adds a wedge of bone to realign your leg or arm and remove the pressure. It’s a complicated surgery and it doesn’t appear to be as effective in relieving pain as joint replacement surgery.
Joint fusion: The surgeon join two or more bones together to make one continuous joint using plates, pins, screws, or rods. Over time the joints will fuse. This surgery lasts for a lifetime and reduces your pain. But, it eliminates mobility and flexibility which in turn put stress on other joints. That can cause Osteoarthritis to spread to other parts of your body.